“We will tell the coming generation the glorious deeds of the LORD, so they set their hope in Him.” Psalm 78:4,7
Grow in Faith, Unite as a Family, Serve as a Follower of Jesus
It often feels like we are chasing numbers in life. Our jobs ask for more productivity and in order to prove that we are effective, they put a number to it. Our government proves that they are doing their job… with a number. In our personal life, we set a number goal for income, for savings, for retirement. Our social media… I got over 100 likes on this post. I have over 1,000 friends. But when our time has passed, our legacy is never defined by a number. But it is often defined by what we left behind and by the character and the sacrifice in which we left it.
A challenge for churches is to avoid simply chasing numbers. How many were in church Sunday? How much was in the offering plate? A question that is often necessary to ask myself in order to keep me honest as a pastor is, “What are we chasing at Hope?” I also believe collectively we should ask ourselves in this time and throughout our ministry.
Please read the above verses from Psalm 78 again. Though we will talk about numbers in the near future with a capital campaign, we are not chasing numbers. This cannot be about numbers. This should not be about numbers. We are chasing a legacy of future generations setting their hope in the Lord. And the only way they will know that hope in Jesus is to hear it from our mouths and witness it with our actions and feel it with our sacrifices.
What we see before us as a congregation is an opportunity to extend our commitment to the legacy of Hope and telling the coming generations the glorious deeds of the Lord, so that they may set their hope in Him.
This is not a new mission by the way. I mean, it is not new for Hope. For the last 5 years of my tenure as Pastor I have tried to focus on and emphasize the importance of family ministry and generational thinking. But I need to check myself before I begin to believe that I am innovative or new. Hope Lutheran Church & School has a deep history of youth and family ministry. A tradition that was started by the members who founded the church and Pastor Pierce, Hope’s founding pastor, who insisted that the name, “& School” be put on the first bulletin. It has been embedded into the fabric of Hope since its charter in 1989.
Purpose #2 on the charter says: To Teach the Word of God in its purity, educating our children and ourselves and others so that we may grow in the knowledge and love of God.
As I have been preparing for this important time for Hope, I have taken a moment to pause in order to look at old photo albums. It’s amazing how much one can learn from the past. Pictures of families playing together, interacting, kids who are now grown with kids of their own, and members whose younger faces I didn’t even recognize. As pictures appeared showing the Lubbock red dirt for miles where there are now houses, members nailing 2x4’s together to build an altar area, old attendance records, seeing the same Hope Lutheran Church & School on the very first church bulletin, I was reminded that this has always been a place of refuge for families to interact, for children to go, and for the generations to set their hopes on our Lord Jesus.
That being said, those who have been a member of Hope in its 30 years of history can remember times where this focus on the next generation was strong and times when the focus was lost. Yet still, the next generation is here, and there is a guarantee that another generation is coming. The baby pictured in the car seat (below, left) now brings his own child to church at Hope (below, right). We have an opportunity in front of us to serve our community for generations to come.
Therefore, I appeal to your generous sacrifice as we update our learning spaces for the church and the school, our youth group spaces in the upstairs, and our gathering and fellowship spaces. These are the places as adults where we learn and train to be the best Christian witness to our families and to our community. These are places where youth and young adults gather to grow in their faith so they are prepared to face an ever-changing world. These are the places where small children come from the community and hear the message of Jesus for the first time. Pictured (right) is Miss Amelia and her husband Franz, charter members of Hope. Amelia has taught at Hope for almost 20 years!
Imagine that 30 years from now, there will be a group of people gathered together looking at pictures of this current body of believers in action and thanking the past for the church they appreciate and the building that serves as the vessel of spiritual growth and gathering. There is a dollar amount that collectively we seek, but I assure you that this is not about the numbers, but is about bringing a legacy of Hope to a generation that is not yet known (see Psalm 102:18).
“And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”
2 Corinthians 9:8
Legacy of Hope - Challenges
From a red dirt cotton field to the busy intersection that is now seen on 98th and Frankford, Hope Lutheran has found a home in South Lubbock since 1989. The first building (the one that will receive the renovation) was built with help from Laborers for Christ in a simple fashion. There is nothing complicated about the building, the shape of a square, but what has transpired inside is amazing. Think about the number of Christians who have gathered together for worship and praise, the thousands of kids who now drive by on the busy street and can reminisce about being at Hope, all the emotions that have been brought into the building and carried out, some good and some bad. Our current facility has been an incredible blessing to the mission and ministry at Hope. But there are some significant challenges that are routinely faced as a result of an aging building that is continuously well used.
Kitchen is in need of many repairs and is not adequately equipped for the amount of use it receives.
Appliances are residential grade and often break as a result of overuse
Drawers are missing and cabinet doors broken
Formica countertops are coming loose
There is a lack of classroom space for Bible study
We are limited to number of studies held on Sunday mornings
On occasion groups and meetings during the weeknights are held in spaces that are not adequate due to lack of facilities, for example…. Loose Threads meet in the corner of the sanctuary because of no better space is available; if there are more than 2 large groups meeting on the same night appropriate space is a challenge
Prospective families see dated space and assume the education and care is also inferior.
Classrooms setup leads to difficulty adhering to Childcare Licensing standards.
Classroom are hodgepodged with furniture not meant for child care centers
Teachers have added burden of lack of cabinet space, lack of appropriate furnishing, and in some classrooms a lack of square footage
Access to bathrooms and sinks for handwashing is limited in most classrooms, which also becomes a licensing problem
Ongoing maintenance issues
Old light fixtures in need of constant replacement
Stained ceiling tiles in need of replacement
Building is in much need of paint and drywall repair
Southeast classroom floods during heavy rains
Many of the HVAC units on the side that is to be renovated are original to the 30-year-old building and some inadequate for the space
This renovation will address all these challenges and so much more. There is not a square inch of space that will not be updated in the proposed renovation, alleviating a multitude of challenges that come along with a 30 year old building.
Legacy of Hope - Our Hope for the Future
As we stand 30 years from when the ground was first broken on 98th and Frankford, we recognize in appreciation the decisions and tough sacrifices made by those who called Hope their home before our times. We also recognize that there are some opportunities that are in front of us now, and appropriate renovations can strengthen and expand our mission and ministry today. One may ask at such a time as this, “Can Hope continue to grow without a renovation?” The simple answer is yes. As long as the Gospel is proclaimed, the church will continue and grow.
Opportunities to Grow
Expanded new construction on the East side of the building will give opportunity for adult classroom spaces for Bible study and more conference/seminar opportunities.
Remodeled upstairs will give even further space and opportunities for youth classrooms, children’s Sunday school, and even adult learning.
Renovations of early childhood classrooms will give our school greater impact and create a positive environment for education and teaching about Jesus.
Opportunities to Unite
Relocated and updated kitchen will provide better space for hosting fellowship events.
Renovated fellowship hall will give a warm and welcoming environment for events and activities.
Ministry groups such as LWML, Loose Threads (currently meet in corner of sanctuary), and Care Groups will have appropriate classroom spaces to meet and hold activities.
Opportunities to Serve
More space to accommodate ministry partner activities, i.e. Upbring family Christmas, Mosaic meetings, school family workshops, etc.…
Classroom spaces will be renovated for our early childhood school, helping us keep up with competition in the neighborhood. Better classroom space will free time and resources for teachers to educate and teach the love of Jesus
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
Legacy of Hope - The Floor Plan
Legacy of Hope - Questions & Answers
How will the financials work together?
The estimated cost of the entire project is between $1,500,000 and $2,000,000. Therefore, we have voted to execute the Legacy of Hope campaign in order to secure between $600,000 and $1,000,000 in gifts through three-year pledges. It was also decided by the congregation to sell the ~ 2 acres adjacent to the building to supplement the campaign in order to ensure the project is completed.
How will this project fit into the Master Plan that was presented to Hope’s Congregational Assembly last Spring?
The master plan is still the goal, though it is a long-term goal. There will still be needs that we are striving to meet as a congregation. This is the first step. Prayerfully, we will be able to swiftly tackle the next need in the near future beyond this campaign. Future needs include paying off our capital debt, additional building in order to replace the existing portable, and renovation of the sanctuary side of the building. This renovation project is only Phase 1 of the overall Master Plan that was presented.
How can we expect to generate $1,000,000 in new funds?
It could never happen without the Lord’s blessing. All of our endeavors call for a firm reliance on the Lord of the Church and clinging to Him in faith. The entire congregation will be encouraged to be in prayer daily, prayerfully consider our gifts from God, and use those gifts to give glory to Him and to strengthen the kingdom work at Hope Lutheran Church. During this emphasis we will explore where God is leading us to make a sacrificial gift, and to talk with fellow members about the need that we all work together as God raises our faith to meet His challenge. Jesus tells us in John 15…“Without me, you can do nothing.”
Let’s Dream Together
There is a lot of information in this booklet for one to think about. Sometimes, when overloaded with information it is helpful to pause and think differently. So let’s take a moment and get out of the information (we will get back to it don’t worry) and dream. Imagine if you will that our adjacent property sells at top price. That would be good. Now imagine that the congregation of Hope puts their heart out there and really sacrifices. I mean they really give. Wouldn’t that be a reason to praise God? Think about the endless possibilities if both of these things happen. We would be in a position to… perhaps really tackle our debt or build and replace our portables and put significant money back into ministry dollars. We could bless our community or ministry partners in big ways with big projects and support. Perhaps hire a children’s minister. There is certainly more to dream of, I’m sure you can think of your own ideas. Perhaps the biggest impact, think about where the heart of Hope would be at the end of this, your heart, our heart. Putting the best that we have to offer dedicated to the Lord’s work will certainly change a heart.
“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.” John 15:7
“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Luke 6:38